Teach Kindness Resources for parents, teachers and students for teaching and living kindness from birth through college. |
For example:
1. KIDS/PARENTS/TEACHERS Vegetarian Parents Vegetarian Baby Resources Humane Education Resources http://worldanimal.net/resources/humane-education-resources http://www.vrg.org/essay/lessonplan.htm Children’s Books Children’s Videos Coloring Books
2. TEENS Vegetarian Teens Dissection Software Options http://www.humanesociety.org/assets/pdfs/parents_educators/dissection_choice_laws.pdf Quantity Vegetarian Recipes for School Cafeterias Colleges with Vegetarian Cafeterias* Colleges with Humane Education Programs* Colleges with Animal Rights Organizations* Law Schools that Have Animal Law Classes* U.S. Veterinary Medical Schools Offering Alternatives* Medical Schools that Do Not Use Live Animals* Conferences on Technology in Medical Training Web Based Surgical Simulators http://www.surgicaltechnologist.net/resources/web-based-surgical-simulators/ *You will want to verify this information is still accurate before making decisions about schools to attend.
3. CAREERS - (click on some of the example careers below to see a job description) If you work in one of the fields below, or if you would like to interview someone who works in one of the fields below, please e-mail me information on the training required, what a typical day is like and advice for people entering the field, and I will try to post the information on this site. Please provide the person’s name, company, address, and e-mail and let me know if I can include this information on the site or if they want their information posted anonymously. Please note that I reserve the right to edit the information provided. Careers Involving Alternatives to the Use of Animals: Food Clothing Personal Care/Cleaning Products Education Product Safety Testing Research Entertainment Careers Related to Animals: Animal Care Animal Observation Human/Companion Animal Bond Humane Education/Advocacy
© Copyright 2011 ChooseKindness.com Website created by Audrey |